We are in the center of the Royal Center of Friendliness!
Perhaps you are here because you know one of us, who attends here. And you just want to “check out where they go”. Maybe you were looking for something specific and landed at our site… or maybe you just landed here by accident.
Ironically, it’s the same with many who have found spiritual healing through Jesus Christ. Some were intentionally searching… some found a Savior by accident… some conversions take a lifetime and some happen in an instant.
Doesn’t really matter what brought you here, any more than it matters how someone found themselves on the spiritual path of Christianity. We are glad you are here and we provide this information so that you might know more about us and we hope that in knowing more about us you will consider joining our worship… stopping by for some refreshment and fellowship… walking beside us as we seek to learn more about the God that has been revealed to us.
Feel free to walk with us… let’s enjoy each other’s company and lift each other’s spirits on the path toward Holiness!

Mission & Vision Statements of Royal Center United Methodist Church
Mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Vision: Connect – Grow – Serve
Connect with God, with mankind & our community
Grow in our love & knowledge of Christ, mankind & community
Serve our Lord, our fellowman & the world
*The mission is what we want to achieve and the vision is how we will do it.*
Visitor’s FAQ
What do United Methodists believe?
As a part of the global United Methodist Church, we adhere to a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about what United Methodist believe, CLICK HERE.
Where should I park?
A parking lot is available on the east side of the church building as well as multiple spots around the building on the street.
Which door do I enter?
Our main entrance is on the east side of the building, but there is also a door on the west side of the building.
What should I wear?
Feel free to come as you are!
Where should I expect during worship?
We currently have one service which has a blend of traditional and contemporary praise and worship music. Let us welcome you in friendship and fellowship!
Our Sunday morning worship service is held out our Family Life Center at 11:00 AM at 204 S. Market St.
You can also join us on our Facebook page where we stream our service live.
Is there Sunday School?
We have two Adult Sunday school classes:
Crusaders Class: at the Church Office at 100 Kramer St.
Joy Class: at the Church Building at 204 S.Market St. in the Conference Room
Is there Children's Church or a Nursery available?
We love to have children in service! Children are welcome to stay in service but we also provide a Children’s Church & Nursery as well as a Children’s Moment during service.
How do I join the church?
Reach out to Pastor Branden before or after service or contact him via a call or text at (574) 721-9897 or email at branden.scott@inumc.org.

Our Church Newsletter is published on Saturday of each week. It highlights the worship and work of Royal Center UMC as well as present opportunities for mission and service, conferences and retreats.
If you would like your name added to the mailing list, complete the form below or contact Pastor Branden at (574) 643-9300.
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