Welcome to...

Royal Center

United Methodist Church

Welcome to...

Royal Center

United Methodist Church

Welcome to...

Royal Center

United Methodist Church

Worship Location

204 S. Market Street
Royal Center, IN 46978

Service Times

Sundays at 11:00am

Church Office

100 Kramer Street
Royal Center, IN 46978

About Us

We currently have one service which has a blend of traditional and contemporary praise and worship music.

Let us welcome you in friendship and fellowship!

Church Services are open to ALL

and start at 11:00 AM


Sunday School at 10:00 AM

 Fellowship time at 10:30 AM

Ash Wednesday (On Thursday)

Everyone is ivited to Ash Wednesday (On Thursday) on March 6th at 7:00 PM.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Often called the Day of Ashes, Ash Wednesday starts Lent by focusing the Christian’s heart on repentance and prayer, usually through personal and communal confession as well as imposition of ashes on the forehead.
This is part of The Unfolding Story series, so you are encouraged to read Hosea chapters 4 & 14.
Please join us as we reflect upon what Lent means to us.
This is an in-person service only.

Starting in January and continuing through December, Royal Center United Methodist Church will study the most important and impactful scriptures in the Bible and learn how relevant they still are today.

This will be a way for those new to the faith to learn and for those who know the scriptures to refresh themselves and gain new insight. Join us as we move from the Old Testament to the New Testament and back again as we study The Unfolding Story from Genesis to Revelation.

Join Pastor Branden every Wednesday via Zoom at 7:00 PM for Wednesday Night Live! All are welcome to join in and revisit some favorite stories, get some new insights and maybe even learn some new stories!

Join us as we study some of the miracles in the Bible.

To prepare, go here for the study guide for the next session


Meeting ID: 652 022 5660



While we are now meeting in person every Sunday at 11:00am,
we will continue to livestream our services for those who may prefer to continue social distancing or are homebound.

To get to our livestream on Sunday mornings, click the button below:


As we slowly begin to meet in person again, we want you to stay connected with us!

Please continue to pray for our church, our community and the world as we navigate the “new normal” the past few years have brought upon us.

To leave a message for the church office or submit a prayer request:


There are plenty of ways you can serve if you are still practicing social distancing:

  • Donate clothing or household items to a charity near you.
  • Donate food or money to a local food pantry.
  • Donate to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)
  • Write cards to senior shut-ins or those in nursing homes.
  • Call a friend just to check on them and ask if you can pray for them.