Potter’s Wheel Preschool is a Royal Center United Methodist Church ministry. We offer all-day and Half-Day Classes Monday through Friday. Our classes are for children 3-5 years old, with limited spots for 2-year-olds. Classes are designed to get your child/children ready for kindergarten. If you have any questions, please contact us at potterwheelrcumc@gmail.com. We would love to talk with you about what we have to offer your child/children!

We have created a Wish List on Amazon for items we would love to have to help enrich the time we have with the children. 

 Potter’s Wheel Preschool is a preschool located in Royal Center. We have served the   community for years by teaching not only the necessary social skills but also the   educational needs as well. This is all done with a Christian approach.

 Classes are for 3 & 4 Year Olds and 4 & 5 Year Olds
 Contact person: Heather Gluth, (574) 643-9300


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